Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thing #23!!!!!

Yeah!!! I did it!!! Well, I must admit that getting through Things 1 - 10 was quite the challenge for me. I am not a natural blogger, so having to complete the task and then blog about it was a giant hurdle for me to overcome. Although I hate to admit it, I am getting quite good at this blogging thing! It is becoming more natural.
What did enjoy discovering most in Learning 2.0? I enjoyed learning about things like blogging and RSS feeds that I knew of but was unfamiliar with their usage. The image generators were fun, but not something that I have time to play around with too much. My kids, on the other hand, will have a blast with them. I overcame my dislike of social networking sites and signed on to FaceBook and have been having a blast reconnecting with friends from High School. Scary stuff!
Would I ever do this again? Yes, definitely. While I would never consider myself to be an expert, I at least have a familiarity with the elements that were presented and probably could assist someone at least in a rudimentary way if they were having difficulty.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn!

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